Placing in a database 009 price-lists of your company

Ladies and gentlemen!

The price-list of your company is advised to place in 009 database if you your answer to  at least on 1 of these questions was "YES":

  1. Do you offer a range of the goods or a package deal in the market?
  2. Are your goods or services requested constantly?
  3. Do you use "volley sales and bargain sales" technologies for several categories of a mass goods or trademarks?
  4. Do you want to know ratings of consumer interest for all group of the goods?
  5. Do you prefer advertise yourself with sales?
  6. Do you like "to play" on competitive prices?
  7. Do you dream to control natural demand in the region on the whole range of goods?
  8. Is it necessary for you to test "know-how" of advancing sales to the region?
The strategic purpose of placing the  price-list in 009 Business - service is an information domination on your sector of the market (the growth factor of sales volumes).

Price-list are placed at 009 by large and average manufacturers, whole-sale companies, as well as large commercial networks, supermarkets and department stores:

  • with strategic interests in Kharkiv region
  • whose all goods or services have stable natural demand on the market

After placing a price list  we guarantee at least 30 calls from the Business - service 009  that no matter what kind of business is yours within 6 months of service.

It is our standard of service!

Good luck to your Business!


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