Long-term effect of sales

Ladies and gentlemen!

You have problems in promoting your sales if you cannot answer at least one of these questions:

  1. How much does the memorazability of your advertising appeal cost?
  2. What role does the memorazability of your advertising appeal play in regulating consumers' interest to your goods and services?
  3. How does your company evaluate the  influence of memorazability of advertising appeal on the growth of sales volumes?
  4. How does your company use the non-memorazability of advertising appeals of your competitors?
  5. How many does the non-memorazability your advertising al\ppeals cost to your budget?

From our expericnce we know that all the most effective advertising campaigns on Kharkiv local market used "009" index.

The efect of memorazability of telephone numbers in advertising campaigns was seriously investigated by 009 Business - service. Very frequently  we hear from our callers approximately the following:- "I saw an advertisement, I don't remember the company name, the phone begins with 32... I remembered, the prices were low. Please, GIVE ME... ."

All these problems can be solved, if you will take advantage of "the long-term effect of sales" service.

Time has come to control sales on the non-wasteful mechanism of advertising, using the latest technologies of 009 Business - service!

Good luck to your Business!

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